How old is Bobby Capps? When is Bobby Capps's birthday? Where is Bobby Capps born? Where did Bobby Capps grow up from? What's Bobby Capps's age?

Bobby Capps Born: Arkansas, United States

How about Bobby Capps's group?

Bobby Capps Group: 38 Special (Since1991)

What happened to the original members of 38 Special?

In 2012, original bassist Ken Lyons died at age 59. In 2014, longtime bassist Larry Junstrom was replaced by Barry Dunaway (a veteran of many classic rock groups, including Pat Travers Band, Yngwie Malmsteen, and Survivor).

How did 38 Special get its name?

Band Name Origins:

38 Special got their name from Lynyrd Skynyrd's song "Saturday Night Special" There is a line in the song "Shoots him full of . 38 holes. Donnie Van Zant of . 38 Special & the late Ronnie Van Zant of Lynyrd Skynyrd are brothers.

Who were the original members of 38 Special?

The founding band members included Van Zant and Don Barnes on vocals and guitar, Jeff Carlisi on guitar, Ken Lyons on bass, Jack Grondin on drums, and Steve Brookins on drums, Larry \u201cL. J.\u201d Junstrom on bass .
